The Thielmans at InterVarsity

Carolina on our minds…

We are thrilled to have the opportunity to begin a new work with InterVarsity’s Graduate and Faculty Ministry (GFM). We have been called to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to plant and nurture communities of believers that will bear witness to God’s love in Jesus Christ. Come with us!

The story

Jacob was born in Durham, NC. Erin lived in Carrboro when she was a kid. Jacob studied theology. Erin led Bible studies with InterVarsity at UNC. Jacob and Erin were praying about how to follow the Lord when we finished our time at Calvin Seminary. Then a job at UNC opened up…

Become a Ministry Partner with us


By far the most important way to be part of our ministry is prayer. God has answered our prayer in opening up this opportunity. He has faithfully provided for our family for years. He will continue to be faithful — He simply requires that we ask. (Matthew 7:7-11)


Our ministry relies on gifts from our partners. We need to build a team of faithful people who give regularly to be able to do this ministry full-time. Prayerfully consider giving to our ministry, and if you need more information, please get in touch!

Get to know us

We would love to spend time getting to know you, whether you’re curious about what we do, want to help out, or just need some fellowship. Just fill out the contact form and we’ll get in touch! (Or if you already have my info, just use that!)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.”

Proverbs 3:5-6